How the Inverter is Installed.

sunrayspower- solar panel installer in Melbourne

After the solar panels are mounted and wired, our installers will do the final step of the installation process, which is to install the inverter. The Inverter is unboxed and mounted onto the wall at the right location in accordance with the inverter manufacturer’s requirements as well as any relevant electrical Standard. The DC Inputs […]

How Solar Panels are Installed.

sunrayspower- solar panel installer in Melbourne

We follow standard procedural guidelines, as well as local and national standards for installing a Solar System, but in a nutshell: Firstly, we determine the best layout and negotiate with our clients for the best performance. When designing the layout, we will consider factors such as shading from neighbouring buildings, trees, antennas, or any other […]

Why Quality Installations Matter?

An aerial view of solar panels on a home

To install the solar system and gain STCs, the solar system must be installed by a Clean Energy Council accredited installer. The Clean Energy Council and Clean Energy Regulator together with local, state and national standards cumulatively have stringent rules in installation of solar system. The most important thing to take away from this is […]

Why Oversizing Is important?

Solar panels on a corrugated roof

If an inverter manufacturer allows, you can oversize the inverter’s DC input with 133% more panel size compared to its rated AC output and can still claim STCs on all the panels.